Road to War

When was the Vietnam war?

Since the United States never officially declare war on North Vietnam, the start date of the Vietnam War is open to debate. When the war began usually depends on which events one refers to.... Continue reading

When did the Vietnam War start?

Since there never was a declaration of war and American military advisers were present very early in Vietnam, the commencement date of the Vietnam War is a matter for debate. Some view December 1956 when Hanoi authorized a... Continue reading

Why did the Vietnam War start?

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Who Started The Vietnam War?

How did the Vietnam War start?

Tribute to Women Served in Vietnam

Tribute to Women Served in Vietnam

Laos & Cambodia Incursion

Laos & Cambodia Incursion

Tet Offensive

Tet Offensive

LBJ Goes to War

LBJ Goes to War

Tactics & Strategies

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Strategic Hamlet Program

The Rural Community Development Program In late 1950s, the Communists began to increase their activities in the South Vietnam. In December 1960, the National... Continue reading

How effective was the Vietnamization?

As part of the Vietnamization plan, together with efforts to update and prepare South Vietnamese army, the number of U.S. troops in Vietnam was... Continue reading

Major Battles

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Why was the Tet Offensive the turning point of the Vietnam War?

Operation Rolling Thunder

On August 7, 1964, the U.S Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident authorizing the President Johnson to use military power in Southeast Asia without a formal declaration of war. Deeper American... Continue reading

On the Home Front

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Watergate Scandal Timeline

Following is the detailed timeline of the Watergate scandal that brought President Richard Nixon down. The controversy while started from the break-in on June 16, 1972 was arguably rooted... Continue reading

Vietnam POWs

On August 5, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson ordered Operation “Pierce Arrow” – the first U.S. air operation against North Vietnam in response to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. The... Continue reading

Key People & Terms

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Free Fire Zone

Free fire zone was a common term used by the U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War. Its definition could be found in the Field Manual FM 6-20 as a... Continue reading

Ho Chi Minh Trail

The End

How did the Vietnam War end?

Similar questions: The end of the Vietnam war Vietnam war ended The Tet Offensive in 1968 marked a major turning point in the Vietnam War for North and South Vietnam... Continue reading

When did the vietnam war end?

From the Vietnamese point of view, the fall of Saigon, which had been the South Vietnamese Political base, marked the end of the Vietnam War on April 30th 1975.... Continue reading

When was the end of the Vietnam War?


What happened after the Vietnam war?

Similar questions & keywords: After the Vietnam war What did the end of the Vietnam war in 1975 result... Continue reading

A Daughter’s Hero

Today, let Julie Torres share with us an amazing story of her hero who completed 2 tours of duty... Continue reading

Vietnam War Timeline

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