Road to War

Why did the Vietnam War start?

Similar questions: what caused the Vietnam war? what started the Vietnam war? causes of  the Vietnam war why was the Vietnam war fought? In short, the Vietnam War started as a result of the... Continue reading

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Background After taking office, President Lyndon Johnson became more concerned about the capability of Saigon government in handling the Viet Cong guerillas. In early 1964, he decided to increase military aid to South Vietnam... Continue reading

When was the Vietnam war?

Who Started The Vietnam War?

How did the Vietnam War start?

When did the Vietnam War start?

Tribute to Women Served in Vietnam

Tribute to Women Served in Vietnam

Laos & Cambodia Incursion

Laos & Cambodia Incursion

Tet Offensive

Tet Offensive

LBJ Goes to War

LBJ Goes to War

Tactics & Strategies

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What were North Vietnamese tactics?

Facing the most powerful nation in the world, North Vietnamese communists wisely chose to wage a war of attrition. They planned to make a... Continue reading

The Rise of Phoenix Program In Vietnam

Major Battles

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On the Home Front

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Vietnam War Draft

In the United States, military conscription has been used many times during its wars, particularly in the Cold War. Even though the draft was abolished in 1973, men of... Continue reading

Vietnam War Veterans

Four years after the first withdrawal of a U.S. battalion, the last U.S. combat troops eventually left South Vietnam on March 29, 1973. In total, there were around 2.5... Continue reading

Key People & Terms

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Vietnamese DMZ

Establishment As a result of Geneva Conference in 1954, the French and Viet Minh came to an agreement to secure peace in Vietnam. All French forces in the North... Continue reading

Napalm in Vietnam War

Development & Early Use During the World War I, gasoline was used in combat flamethrowers. However, the essential problem with gasoline was that it burned out too quickly to... Continue reading

The End

When did the vietnam war end?

From the Vietnamese point of view, the fall of Saigon, which had been the South Vietnamese Political base, marked the end of the Vietnam War on April 30th 1975.... Continue reading

How did the Vietnam War end?

Similar questions: The end of the Vietnam war Vietnam war ended The Tet Offensive in 1968 marked a major turning point in the Vietnam War for North and South Vietnam... Continue reading

When was the end of the Vietnam War?


Remembering The Elephant

The following was written in 2004 when, yet again, the author was reliving a profound personal experience that shaded... Continue reading

A Daughter’s Hero

Today, let Julie Torres share with us an amazing story of her hero who completed 2 tours of duty... Continue reading

Vietnam War Timeline

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